Flat Belly Secret To Rid The Body Fat - 2009 Diets Tips
Flat Belly Diets are becoming more popular as the word spread that this eating plan makes your body burn more fat than other diets. The secret is to constantly give your body a different calorie intake so that it never knows what to expect and giving it foods that encourage the fat burning process. Unless you plan to run a marathon, your body does need all of the stored energy in your muscles. The problem with low calorie or carbohydrate diet is that this stored energy never gets used because your body adjusts to your diet and stays in “survival” mode, refusing to burn more calories than you need to function.
Baked Fish on Vegetables
Flat Belly Diets introduce an unpredictable eating pattern, forcing your body to use these stored reserves with monounsaturated fats (MUFAs), making it easy to lose more weight. The meals incorporate a special blend of herbs added to your water and delicious foods such as peanut butter, dark chocolate, almonds and olives for their MUFA content and the result is a smaller waist and better health. In the 28 day research study to verify if Flat Belly Diets were effective nine overweight women participated in a test group and collectively the weight loss averaged 8.4 pounds. What is more impressive beyond the amount of weight loss is the additional health benefits; every one of the key health indicators for the test group such as blood pressure, insulin resistance and cholesterol levels improved significantly even though the test period was only 4 weeks.
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